Saturday, March 7, 2009

Summer is here... Yippieee....

There is nothing like the simple pleasure of wearing only a cotton shirt and a jeans, a pair of sunglasses and walking carefree on the streets. I was happily doing just that yesterday and am so excited that summer is nearing.

Well, nothing amusing about that huh? If I was in India, it would be something I would do everyday, but here the nice winter means that I have been waiting for months to just that. Well, you will get frozen and your sunglasses would get fogged up. ;)

Going out, even to a shop nearby to pick up even a small thing involves checking the weather, putting on a jerkin, many layers of clothing, eeks woollen socks and what not. And since my route to a "nearby" shop means taking a walk around to see what everyone is up to ;) , I did rather take my gloves and cap too. Having the cold wind blow into your ears can be painful.

Love the sun. And global warming too. I think I will spend lot of time on the beaches on my vacation back home. :)

1 comment:

~vagabond~ said...

I know just what you mean. I am soooo over winter. I desperately need for it to be summer again, just to keep my sanity. Yup. I cant wait to just be a jeans and t-shirt girl again. Am sick and tired of jackets. Ugh.

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