Thursday, June 11, 2009

The Beginning

It was something that had to eventually happen. My friends would not be surprised. I was rooting that they give me a gift (it is a tradition) more than a year back, since I was not coming back to Chennai for a long long time. The plan was in the back of my mind, but no I was not working on that.

It has been a tough decision to make. But blame the practical part of my mind that can easily out thinks the emotional side, I am moving on to a Canadian company next month.

On the sad part, there goes most of my close ties with chennai and for the most part, all those rushing home and to Kerala for the silliest excuses. Huh,no more cribbing.

My friends have taken to calling me a Canook now. Should I be happy or sad about that ? :P For the most part, I am well, overjoyed. :)

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